Inspiring people is my passion.

Reach out to me on LinkedIn if you’d like me to speak at your event.


How Minimalism Helps Build High-Quality Products [track session]

It’s tricky: Chatbots & QA [track session]:


How Minimalism Helps Build High-Quality Products [track session]

No More Heroes: Secret to High-Performing Teams [keynote]


No More Heroes: Secret to High-Performing Teams [track session]

Why and How Not to Be a Gatekeeper [atomic talk]


The Secret Must-Know Best Practice [atomic talk]

Tester’s Guide to Managing Biases [track session]

It’s not easy being a woman in tech: how to help yourself & others make it better [track session]

Inclusivity in the Times of Corona: How the Pandemic Can Help Us Improve [webinar]:


Consent and Consensus: Reaching Involved and Purposeful Decisions in Cross-Functional teams [workshop]:

It’s tricky: Chatbots & QA [track session]:

Finding Power in Authenticity [keynote]:


It’s tricky: Chatbots & QA [track session]:

Tester’s Guide to Managing Biases [track session]:


Testing Big Data to Predict Your Perfect Fit [track session]: