Hi there, I’m Lina Zubyte!

After trying to choose a domain name for multiple weeks, I stopped at Quality Bits. My surname has a byte in it, so bits seemed fairly suitable. And, for the other words, naturally, I’m working in the field of quality and tech.

I am an extremely passionate adventurer who has lived and worked in 4 different countries: originally Lithuanian, then lived/worked in Sweden, Hungary, and Germany. After years abroad, I have decided to come back to Lithuania. I am currently working as an Independent Quality Consultant.

I see QA role as an empathetic leader, someone who is a compassionate team glue full of positivity collaborating with various roles. For this, the environment I aim to work in are open-minded transparent cross-functional teams.

And I could speak tirelessly about the importance of diverse teams which seed inclusion. The best performing teams are the teams which care despite their role or status in the company.

Outside work, I love dancing, books, words, art. I love getting to know various cultures, people, and discussing philosophical ideas until the dawn (and don’t get me wrong - I’m very much a morning person, too). I have bursts of energy and love for life.

Site credits

Huge thanks to Joel Glovier for sharing the site design (which I changed to suit my needs) on Github. More details on how it was built can be found there.